Heading for the Finish
Sergio Davì Departs Mexico Headed for the Finish
Captain Davì’s Stop in Ensenada Highlighted by Visit to Production Facility for Simrad® Displays

Egersund, Norway – Captain Sergio Davì, the Italian seafarer who left Palermo, Italy in mid-December on his 11-meter (36-foot) rubber inflatable boat (RIB) headed for Los Angeles, is nearing the finish of his Ocean to Ocean RIB Adventure.
Sergio arrived in Ensenada, Mexico this past weekend in his Nuova Jolly Boat where Simrad Yachting employees and colleagues welcomed him into the marina.
Ensenada is home to the global production facility run by Navico where a range of Simrad® products are manufactured, and Sergio had several days of activities and visits before preparing for the final two legs of the voyage to conclude with his arrival into Los Angeles this coming week.
During the navigation along the coast of Mexico, the captain welcomed on board several special guests, including representatives from Simrad Yachting and Suzuki Mexico, who took turns to offer support, both for monitoring the instruments and chronicling this fascinating adventure through photo, video and stories.
The Suzuki-powered Aretusa Explorer is equipped with top of the range Simrad® on-board electronics, including the essential HALO® dome radar and sophisticated AP™ 48 autopilot, which allowed Captain Davì to safely carry out fuel transfer operations – especially during the longer stretches – but also to enjoy periods of well-deserved rest. Sergio relied on his Simrad® NSSevo3S™ multifunction display, equipped with C-MAP® cartography for navigation and accurate and easy to use maps, with all essential data and information along the route right at his fingertips.

With Simrad Yachting among the main partners of this adventure, company employees based in Ensenada provided a special celebration for Sergio and his boat. Once in Ensenada, several global partners of the voyage welcomed Capt Davì to local events and a guided tour of the Ensenada production center to view the production and manufacturing of the Simrad® equipment that he relied on and trusted throughout his nearly 5-month global voyage.
"From the very first moment of the preparatory stages, Ensenada represented for me a fundamental stage of the entire journey, on par with the Atlantic crossing and the crossing of the Panama Canal. Firstly, because of the difficulties linked to the weather and sea conditions that I knew would make navigation to reach the last Mexican stop complicated, and secondly, but no less important, because of the unique experience of visiting the Simrad® factory, where in addition to being welcomed with warmth and enthusiasm, I had the chance to see at first hand the place where the precious on-board instrumentation comes to life, which enabled me to tackle even the most difficult navigations.”

He also met with several employees at the facility. “I admit with intense emotion that I feel deeply honored to represent Navico and Simrad® products as brand ambassador," added Davì
With just over 150 nautical miles to go to Los Angeles, Sergio is just 10-12 hours away on the water with his Aretusa Explorer from accomplishing a feat of adventure that no one has before, covering over 10,000 nautical miles in a 36-foot inflatable RIB through two oceans and across the Panama Canal.